What Are the Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?

There is no universal staging system for Alzheimer’s disease, but when speaking with clients and their families, most doctors use a simple three-stage scale that reflects the evolution of mild, moderate, and severe symptoms over time.

Senior Care Newcastle

Since each individual progresses through the stages differently, the physical and cognitive changes between them are often blurred. For caregivers who need to plan for their loved one’s needs, here is what you can expect. Continue reading “What Are the Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease?”

3 Reasons Why Good Sleep Hygiene Is Essential for the Elderly

Seniors need seven to nine hours of sleep daily at night. However, medical conditions like circadian rhythm disorder and other, mostly age related, conditions prevent seniors from getting sufficient amount of sleep. Good sleep hygiene enhances the quality and quantity of sleep and helps preserve their physical and mental well being, personal safety, and quality of life. Home Care Newcastle, NSW experts discuss these 3 reasons to help seniors and family caregivers understand the importance of good sleep hygiene.


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